Saturday, October 9, 2010

New Look


With a new lifestyle comes reinvention. That's what I say.

You may have noticed that the blog has changed dramatically. And so have I! I am a changed vampire.

The backround, colours, etc: I need to stand out more. I really do. I feel like I just, I don't know ... fade sometimes. Not literally, obvie, but ... you know what I mean. So I've got this BOLD backround, FLASHY colours, PARTY atmosphere! So not a wallflower kinda theme.

Oh, and the new gadgets: You get to see how many people stalk me (JK, JK -- I LOVE when people stalk me. Do it all you want!) and there's also a poll. "alice's blog?" sounds soooooo shy, confused. Which I am soooooo not!! So you can vote. And just so you know, the option "keep it the same" -- it doesn't count. I just put it there because Max likes the title. She likes the goody goody two shoes atmosphere. Which I find so hard to believe, ya know? Whatever. It doesn't count. So don't pick it.

Okay, know to this Angel deal: Yes, Angel is "AR". Angel Ride. If that's even her name.

Jane doesn't know this. Max doesn't know this. Not even Jasper knows this, and that's big. This is supposed to be confidential.

Okay, here goes:

Angel texted me. Just a few seconds ago. I was watching an odd movie on my iPad and suddenly it bleeped. I breathed in sharply when I read the message: Alice. Cme 2 rf. Dnt tlk, jst wlk & I wll expln evrthng.

Once I decoded the MAJOR text talk (taaackyyy!) I decided that I had two choices: a) Call Jane (she's out hunting) and tell her EVERYTHING, then catch miss Angelcakes. Or b) the second choice, the riskier choice, go see Angel without telling Jane.

b) right back!


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